Thursday, October 31, 2019

3D xml Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

3D xml - Essay Example X3D builds on the success of the Virtual Reality Modelling Language (VRML) with expanded features such as stricter conformance, additional data encoding formats, and more advanced APIs. Its componentized architecture introduces the profiles feature, which allows for a modular approach to supporting the standard. X3D also features backward compatibility with legacy VRML data (   In order to model the numerous graphics nodes constituting a virtual environment, the X3D software makes use of a scene graph, which is a directed and cyclic tree structure. This type of graph has a definite beginning with parent-child relationships between each node, with each node having a single parent. The only exception to this rule is the X3D root at the very top of the graph. The graph in itself contains no cycles or loops, and it organizes all aspects of a 3D scene in a hierarchal manner that systematizes appearance, animation, geometry and event routing (Brutzman, Daily, 2007). As has been already stated, the software is based on VRML or the Virtual Reality Modelling Language, an international standard first adopted in 1997. However, X3D differs from VRML in its inclusion of Extensible Markup Language (XML), which allows it to integrate with other Internet-based software (Brutzman, Daily, 2007).   X3D’s scene-graph architecture and file-format encoding are based on existing VRML technology, which is formally known as the ISO/IEC 14772 -1:1997 international standard. However, it is more commonly known as VRML 2 or VRML 97, and it is well-known for a highly expressive 3D interchange format that is supported by a wide range of codebases and tools. VRML 97’s geometry and behaviour capabilities are expressed in X3D through XML. Moreover, X3D enables users to carry out node prototyping and program scripting, whether in ECMAScript or in Java. All of these features provide outstanding support for

Monday, October 28, 2019

Designing a Safer Passenger Aircraft Essay Example for Free

Designing a Safer Passenger Aircraft Essay Aircrafts have become more advanced and fast, but they are drastically affected by ignorance and design incapability. However these structures can fly with more than 200 passengers and heavy cargo, but when they crash, they take away with them many lives and damage valuable property. To prevent such loses several aviation safety agencies like EASA(European Aviation Safety Agency) and FAA(Federal Aviation Administration) have been functioning. These agencies implement and monitor safety rules for aircrafts. They also certify and approve organizations involved in the design, manufacture and maintenance of aeronautical products. Safety of an aircraft depends on every smallest possible detail of it. For designing a safer passenger aircraft a lot of investigation has to be done on flight failures, to prevent such failures. There are four main aspects considered while designing an aircraft: Aerodynamics, Propulsion, Structures and materials, Stability and control. An overview on the design of a fixed wing aircraft: The structure of an aircraft is configured as follows: A fuselage is a long cylindrical body with tapered ends to make its shape aerodynamically smooth. Fuselage carries flight crew, passengers, payload, fuel and engine. Fuselage also holds a large wing which provides sufficient lifting force to the aircraft due to the shape of its cross section (aerofoil). This large wing has ailerons to control rolling motion. The vertical stabilizers present at the rear end of the aircraft, stabilizes the yaw motion and horizontal stabilizers stabilizes the pitch. Elevators are mounted to the horizontal stabilizers and it controls the pitch of the aircraft. Engines provide the trust required for the aircraft. The landing gear is a set of wheels that supports the plane on ground. Control system of an aircraft: Yoke controls the pitch and roll motion of an aircraft. Rudder pedals control the rudder and thus it controls the motion about the yaw axis. Throttle lever controls the thrust produces by each engine and brakes slow or stop the airplane on ground. There are controls for flaps and spoilers. A tiller is used to steer the plane on ground. An automatic flight management system helps pilot in maintaining altitude or mode of flight. Analysis of investigation reports of some airplane crashes and preventive measures in design: A Pilatus aircraft crashed near Bert Mooney airport in July, 2011 due to loss of control. Investigation reports showed that there was icing within the fuel system causing low fuel pressure state as fuel system icing inhibitor was not added to the fuel before flight. All jet fuels contain trace amounts of water that form crystals and block the fuel system. Icing inhibitors decrease the freezing point to about -40? C preventing water from freezing. Some chemical detector can be introduced that could detect the concentration of icing inhibitors present in the fuel. An alarm can also be added to the electronic system of the aircraft which will remind the pilot of adding icing inhibitors while refueling. Aircrafts flying in cold weather develop icing on wings which greatly impair wings ability to generate sufficient lift. Air Florida flight crashed on take-off in January, 1982 as a result of ice on its wings. Modern airliners are designed to prevent accumulation of ice on wings, engines or tails either by routing heated area towards icing or by using inflatable rubber tubes that expand and break off any accumulated ice. Similar method can be used in the design or the accumulated ice can also be removed by sending small amplitude vibrations to the accumulated area. A Boeing cargo airplane experienced ground fire before engine start-up at San Francisco International airport. Investigation blames the design of the supplemental oxygen system hoses and the lack of positive separation between electrical wiring and electrically conductive oxygen system components. The lack of positive separation allowed a short circuit to breach a combustible oxygen hose, release oxygen, and initiate a fire. This can be taken care of in the design and either separation between the oxygen hoses and wiring can be increased or insulation of wiring can be made more strong. Composite materials used in structure of an aircraft consist of layers of fibers embedded in a resin matrix. These layers separate from each other when subjected to cyclic stress and they lose strength. This failure is not shown on the surface. An amphibian plane suffered a structural failure in Florida. The right wing of the aircraft separated during normal flight due to lack of maintenance. Ultrasound based instrument method is used to detect such failures in designing a safer aircraft. As in Air France Concorde crash case, pilot detected fire very late. Installation of video cameras at critical places can be a preventive measure as pilot will be able to keep a watch on plane if there is no other failure detecting mechanism. During high speed landing or take-off extreme pressure and heat build-up in tyres and in such conditions tyres burst. This is equivalent to explosion of 4-5 dynamites. This could damage the fuel tank or engines and even initiate a fire. Some cooling mechanism within tyres can be used to prevent such conditions of high temperature and pressure. Above safety concerns and all other governing factors can be considered to design a safer passenger aircraft. Apart form these problems foreign object debris, positive lightning, bird strike, volcanic ash can also be taken care of while designing an aircraft. Ground based navigation aids can also be improved by improving GPS systems and some backup modes of communication may help in significant reduction in air crashes due to lack of information and misleading.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Risk Assessment in Residential Care Home

Risk Assessment in Residential Care Home PART A The group selected the COSO ERM programme to be used as the basis for making the policies and processes of the Kindly Residential Care Rest Home. The following are the main risk drivers for a healthcare business. STRATEGIC RISKS Risk is always included when talking about health care organizations. The organizations should have a well-defined risk management to mitigate and monitor critical threats to the health of clients; also to understand and identify the causes of the risks. Risk can be external or internal based, these can become major setbacks for the organization that can affect the attainment of objectives.[1] Strategic risks are those risks that can derail organizations which make the strategic plans useless. Some examples are competition, market changes, availability of capital, disasters, reputation issues, trends on regulations and technology. Variables like market or economic condition, corporate governance and stakeholders are strategic risks relating to the long-term performance of the organisation. The economic situation of a country can change suddenly, as well as the market. Corporate governance risk relates to the reputation of the organisation. And stakeholder risk refers to the risk associated with the shareholders, business partners, customers and suppliers. Shareholder decisions can change quickly if dividends fall. These things surely will affect the organization as a whole if anything happens. [2] Strategic risks should be handled by an approach which emphasizes on the overall health of the organization. There are two ways to keep the healthcare organization on track. The first one is to lessen uncertainty by identifying possible strategic risks then increasing the knowledge of the whole organization. And the second is the utilisation of performance enhancement tools to make adjustment of the strategies. FINANCIAL RISK Financial Risk relates to budget, cash flow, tax obligations, credit and debt management, remuneration and the organisation capital structure. There are two areas of financial risk that must be considered. Charges relating to non-fulfillment of duties and responsibilities of Directors: The shareholders or other stake holders like creditors may file suit against the BOD under Companies Act for inappropriate conduct in the fulfillment of directors and officers duties. Also, the entity itself may be sued by shareholders or by creditors Therefore it is important for risk management professional to be knowledgeable of the organization structure, the requirements imposed by the charter, bylaws or other documents. And he/she should discover the chances to transfer such risk through insurance policies to protect the assets of the organization. A situation in which the financial risk will arise is when the organisation use debt to finance for risk reduction eventually increasing the possibility of financial distress and the variability of the return to shareholders. The organisation must be very careful in considering the decisions regarding capital structure and the development of strategic planning objectives that will lessen the risk. There are four strategic planning goals to avoid increase in financial risk. First is to analyse and improve management information systems to make sure that enough information is available. Second is to involve administrators and support staff to make them understand the process of care and the outcomes of care. Third is to assess the cost benefit of shifting operations risk to another organisation. And lastly, to analyse the effect of changes in tax policy on the business risk of the health care organization.[3] OPERATIONAL RISK The risk associated with the operation includes breaches of patient privacy, diagnostic, medical, surgical or medication errors and other harmful situations. The responsibility of the manager is to identify risk by making a review of past incidents, reports as well as losses. Also, monitoring the activities of the staff in the work place is important to make sure the compliance to the policies and procedures. The manager should report any findings, issues and solutions regarding the problems. Also, he/she observes the management program to aid in developing improvement in the procedures and help department managers to educate other staff about the policies and procedures. HEALTH AND SAFETY RISK Risk relating to health and safety always exist in a workplace even in a healthcare organization. This includes physical, biological and chemical agents. Things that can affect the health and safety in the workplace are ventilation, temperature and humidity, positioning of equipment and work area, lighting, space and cleanliness of work area. Safety measures to be utilised involves regular maintenance, safe route for people, control of hazardous like chemical and biological agents, and stress. HAZARD RISKS A hazard is any source of possible damage or adverse health effects on someone under certain circumstances at work. In some instances, it is considered as the actual harm or the health effect it caused rather than the hazard. The hazards in a workplace come from various sources. It can be any substance, material or practice that can cause harm or adverse health effect to a person. INFORMATION RISKS As the technology progresses, many organisations nowadays are utilising innovations especially on information technology. Business entities heavily rely on information systems using networks and computers, exposing them to threats such as viruses, hardware and software failure, suspicious electronic mails, incorrect data processing, and accessing infected mails. Criminal IT threats are also risk that relates to hackers who enter the systems illegally, alter data, accessing password, and do online attacks to prevent access of authorised users. And natural disaster such as fire, flood, damages to buildings and computer hardware are also a threat in information which can result in loss or corruption of customer records[4] HEALTHCARE BUSINESS AREAS WHICH ARE HIGH RISK Operational risk is one of the high risk areas of a healthcare business. Rest homes operate everyday dealing with residents including their health and safety. A singular error can lead to negative effects for the organisation. And another area is the information matters, the occurrence of health information security breaches, fraud, and privacy violations can affect the balance of the organisation. POTENTIAL IMPACT OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF RISK ON THE HEALTHCARE BUSINESS ORGANISATION’S OBJECTIVES The potential impact of the various risks on the healthcare business can be positive and negative for the organisation. If these identified risks are managed effectively and efficiently, the well-being of the facility will be good and can bring more clients and opportunities; and lessen the exposure to losses. However, if these factors are neglected, the organisation will face the consequences. PART B RISK MITIGATION MANAGEMENT PLAN AND STRATEGIES EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES A professional work environment is essential between the manager and employees. Managers need to have a good understanding of the laws and regulations regarding employment and shall comply with it to lessen claims. And policies are needed to maintain order in the workplace. The healthcare organization needs a clear written policy and process when hiring new employees, the policies and procedures should be implemented consistently, performance management tools to evaluate employees, trainings for both the employees and managers and considering retention of valuable staff. The aforementioned practices will decrease the exposure of the healthcare organization to employment liability claims eventually mitigating risks. FRAUD PREVENTION MEASURES A fraud is untruthful representation of a substance of fact; it can be by words, by conduct or misleading allegations. This kind of event can affect a healthcare organization that can lead to misunderstanding and conflicts. The following are measures to avoid fraud in a business. The facility must have a checklist of suggestions for best practices to lessen the possibility for fraudulent activity. Next is operational control to be implemented such as setting limit to employee transaction and access to administrator, and making policy and procedure to disable access for the employee who is no longer employed in the organization. Then putting a management policy and procedure will come next to update network services, security software and operating system. And last is establishing policy listing acceptable use regarding uses of mail, web browsing and social networking to make sure that the employees are aware of the hazards or risk in opening attachments or clicking unknown links. HEALTH AND SAFETY POLICY The law relating to health and safety is the Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992 (HSE Act). Under this Act, organizations are legally required to make sure are not hurt in their workplace. Therefore, this Act requires the Kindly Residential Home Care to make sure their staff and employees have a safe place of work and that no visitors are harmed in the workplace. Included within the Act is the eliminating, isolating or minimizing workplace hazards for the facility. The healthcare organization should record all the incidents, and training and supervision the staff had to prove to a Health and Safety Inspector in case of an incident. PROTECTION OF PHYSICAL ASSETS The physical assets of an organisation are utilised to achieve the business goals and objectives. These assets should be protected and used in compliance with the policy of the company. Physical assets include office facilities, equipment, supplies, furniture, information systems and technology assets. In a healthcare organization, where high value equipment is being used, management of these things is significant. The equipment must be tracked down across the facilities with the right procedures. The assets should have routine maintenance schedule to make sure they are operating well. And of course, the organization needs a great security procedure in place and accountability as well. The above activities will lessen the costs for a healthcare facility by providing an up to date inventory of equipment and meet the financial and security audit requirements. Also, these solutions uplift the accountability of equipment, sharing of high cost equipment and enhance the maintenance of the critical assets. DISASTER MANAGEMENT Disaster has classification depending on its onset. Some are slow or creeping such as drought and HIV/AIDS. Others are sudden or rapid like earthquakes, floods, tornadoes, fire and strikes. In relation to healthcare facilities however, disasters can be internal and/or external. Internal includes those relating to structural such as building damage, oxygen leakage, and faulty electrical systems. Also is functional disaster such as strike action, or surge of patients. External are those relating to floods, mass casualty incidents, natural and human induced disasters. The people in charge of healthcare facility must keep in mind that disaster preparedness planning is a continuous process. Written preparedness plans must be vigorous in order to be effective. Training must be done on regular basis. The disaster preparedness planning process involves the development of an emergency plan within the healthcare facility by the authority. Then establish planning committee to call representative from significant department and services. Next is conduct hazard risk assessment such as internal and external hazards, detailed vulnerability analysis to determine the scope and priorities. Set planning objectives based from the results of analysis and determine the disaster management strategies. The next step is determining of responsibilities among the departments and personnel of the organization. Followed by, analysing of the resources of the facility. The planning committee must point out the sources of personnel and equipment which can be utilised speedily. Development of systems and procedures is next. Strategies for prevention, preparedness, response and recovery must be identified. This includes communication systems, public information, education, relations and resource management systems. Writing the plan is the next step of the process. It must be relayed to all concerned individuals. It must be simple and straight to the point. Then, the facility will train the personnel, test the plans and procedures. Lastly, plans must be tested, reviewed and amended if needed regularly. Remember, planning is a continuous process. PART C VULNERABILITY FACTORS AND IMPACTS ON KINDLY RESIDENTIAL CARE REST HOME BUSINESS CONTINUITY PLANNING A sudden incident can interrupt a business and affect the whole operation that can lead to revenue loss, increase costs and decrease in productivity. Being prepared is significant for the organisation to keep things running again as quickly as possible. The business continuity planning will aid in the recovery of the business. Business continuity planning (BCP) is the process and procedure that are carried out by a business or organization to make sure that critical functions continue to operate during and after a disaster. It should include procedures for protecting the employees as well as protecting the business. BCP usually cover most of the critical business processes and operations of an organisation such as emergency contact details, communication strategies, HR policies, alternate premises, strategies to lessen the impact of an incident, alternate hardware, information back-up and the implementing procedures during an incident. These are some benefits of BCP in the healthcare facility; protect patients, initiate continual improvement, increase commissioner confidence, reduce risk of financial loss and protect the reputation. IMPACT AND CRISES ASSESSMENT The Kindly Residential Rest Home needs to assess regularly their capability to withstand a disaster. The buildings should be checked on regular basis; the protection of equipment is also a priority; supplies, medicines and food should be assessed as well in order to lessen the impact and possibility of crisis if a disaster happens. One important thing is providing training for the staff to response effectively during a disaster. Guidelines should be assessed; it is important in order to save lives. THREAT ASSESSMENT SCENARIO DEFINITION Threat-based vulnerability assessment emphasizes on the different kinds of threats a healthcare facility security encounters. The threats include those low frequency, high impact like patient abduction and wide emergencies like typhoons, fire or earthquakes. The threat-based assessment estimates vulnerability through the ways a patient may be abducted, how the healthcare facility is prepared if the materials and supply are cut off for a period of time or how any interruption of utilities will affect the patient care. The assessment team must be knowledgeable and has a good understanding of historical events of the facility especially the conceptual threats. Although history is a primary indicator, not all future threats can be anticipated based from the past. Scenario-based assessments are advantageous because they are better in assessing high value assets and high consequence threats. Unfortunately, this advantage also creates a problem whereby lesser threats may be ignored and security measures not implemented. RECOVERY SOLUTION DESIGN The disaster recovery plan is intended to make sure that the crucial business processes is continuous if any disaster happens. The plan will give a real solution that can be utilised to recover all the vital processes inside a time frame. In a residential care rest home, the major concern is getting the people to safety when a disaster occurs considering that the clients are all elderly. It is a huge challenge because the residents will have hard time to get to a safe location. The disaster plan should be in place and the staff can use it to ensure the safety of the residents when there is a disaster. First step in disaster plan is the assessment of possible risk of a disaster such as fire, earthquake, flood, typhoon or landslide. Each type of disaster involves different procedures. For instance, in an earthquake, there is a need of evaluation of the building for damage and utility interruptions before moving the residents. However, in a fire incident, speedy evacuation is required due to the nature of the event. Equipment should be checked in order to secure the safety of residents as well staff. Next is planning such as making arrangements beforehand to transfer residents to the evacuation place with a transportation company. In case of fire, flood or damaged buildings, there must be an alternative facility ready for the patients. Also, the transfer of important files and records, and medications should be made. Supply of food and water must be enough to last for one week for both the residents and staff. Detailed evacuation maps are important during disasters highlighting the possible routes. And provide a section for communicating with families of residents and staff who are off-duty. IMPLEMENTATION AND COMMUNICATION Specific procedures should be developed to notify staff to implement the disaster plan. The manager must describe the hierarchy of the decision makers in the facility. For a weather-related disaster, train staff that will monitor conditions and start preparing to perform their roles and responsibilities during a disaster. And assign a staff to contact important agencies to alert them of the situation and express the actions of the facility. TESTING It is important to rehearse and test the business continuity plans; exercises should be conducted at set intervals and top management should be involved. There must be a clearly defined objective for each exercise. Scenarios should take into account both internal and external incidents and supply chains. All work streams should be tested through a programmed approach; exercises should include trigger points, escalation procedures, communications and plan execution. MAINTENANCE AND UPDATE After the testing of the procedures, make a report specifying the upside and downside to make improvements. An action plan appointing responsibility for each action should be developed, including timescales. REFERENCE Paterson M. A., Wendel J. 1996. Managing risk in a changing health care system. Retrieved from 28/JHCF 22-3.p15-22.pdf Roberts, A., Wallace, W., McClure, N. 2003. Strategic risk management. Retrieved from Stephen, B. 2007. Understanding strategic risks. Retrieved from [1] Stephen, B. 2007. Understanding strategic risks. Retrieved from [2] Roberts, A., Wallace, W., McClure, N. 2003. Strategic risk management. Retrieved from [3] Paterson M. A., Wendel J. 1996. Managing risk in a changing health care system. Retrieved from 28/JHCF 22-3.p15-22.pdf [4] management/information-technology-risk

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Life of Socrates :: Ancient Rome Roman History

The Life of Socrates I. Socrates The most interesting and influential thinker in the fifth century was Socrates, whose dedication to careful reasoning transformed the entire enterprise. Since he sought genuine knowledge rather than mere victory over an opponent, He familiarized himself with the rhetoric and dialectics of the Sophists, the speculations of the Lonian philosophers, and the general culture of Periclean Athens. Socrates employed the same logical tricks developed by the Sophists to a new purpose, the pursuit of truth. Thus, his willingness to call everything into question and his determination to accept nothing less than an adequate account of the nature of things make him the first clear exponent of critical philosophy. Although he was well known during his own time for his conversational skills and public teaching, Socrates wrote nothing, so we are dependent upon his students (especially Kenophon and Plato) for any detailed knowledge of his methods and results. The trouble is that Plato was himself a philosopher who often injected his own theories into the dialogues he presented to the world as discussions between Socrates and other famous figures of the day. Nevertheless, it is usually assumed that at least the early dialogues of Plato provide a (fairly) accurate representation of Socrates himself. Socrates profoundly affected Western philosophy through his influence on Plato. Born in Athens, the son of Sophroniscus, a sculptor, and Phaenarete, a midwife, he received the regular elementary education in literature, music, and gymnastics. Initially, Socrates followed the craft of his father; according to a former tradition, he executed a statue group of the three Graces, which stood at the entrance to the Acropolis until the 2nd century AD. In the Peloponnesian War with Sparta he served as an infantryman with conspicuous bravery at the battles of Potidaea in 432-430BC, Delium in 424BC, and Amphipolis in 422BC. Socrates believed in the superiority of argument over writing and therefore spent the greater part of his mature life in the marketplace and public places of Athens, engaging in dialogue and argument with anyone who would listen or who would submit to interrogation. Socrates was reportedly unattractive in appearance and short of stature but was also extremely hardy and self-controlled. He enjoyed life immensely and achieved social popularity because of his ready wit and a keen sense of humor that was completely devoid of satire or cynicism. II. Attitude Toward Politics Socrates attitude toward politics was obedient, but generally steered clear of politics, restrained by what he believed to be divine warning.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Relationship Issue

Conflicts between people who express outlooks of different epochs often happen in the society and there are lots of situations when even members of the same family who are supposed to be the closest with each other, support opposite visions of the world. However, misunderstanding can always be overcome and warm relations achieved as long as people put efforts into that. Flannery O’Connor’s book ‘Everything that Rises Must Converge’ deals with the relationship of a mother and her son and represents contradictions between them which arise from their different outlooks on reality in which they are living and shows how they are unable to overcome them. Julian is a recent college graduate who lives with his solicitous widowed mother who has put her whole life to raise him well and give him good education. The conflict of Julian with his mother starts because she has a vision of life which is completely different from his. Julian’s mother ‘‘†¦lived according to the laws of her own fantasy world outside of which he had never seen her set foot. ’’ She built that little world for herself, not realizing that times have changed and she needed to adjust to them. She couldn’t keep living in her little world forever and some time crisis was going to occur. Every time Julian made some remark about their present life and that it was different from what his mother had before, she only started remembering past times and past wealthy life which she used to have: â€Å"Your great-grandfather was a former governor of this state†¦ Your grandfather was a prosperous land-owner. Your grandmother was a Godhigh. † However, it’s impossible to blame her for that- she cannot change, those ideas are too firmly fixed in her mind and Julian should have accepted them but he doesn’t even try to that. No matter how much Julian tries to convince her that reality is completely different from those memories, she never wants to listen to him. However, instead of treating his mother with respect and letting her have some weaknesses like any other person, he gets mad at her all the time. Everything what his mother says agitates Julian and he is unable to talk to his mother without a feeling of frustration. Even though he takes her to a reducing class and listens to everything what she says, the feeling of irritation doesn’t leave him and he never feels at peace. His rude attitude towards everything what his mother says shows in most of the discussions in the novel. â€Å"Will you look around you,† he said tensely, â€Å"and see where you are now? † and he swept his arm jerkily out to indicate the neighborhood, which the growing darkness at least made less dingy. ’ Julian is mad at almost everything what his mother says. It becomes clear that as long as Julian and his mother have different views on things, they will never be able to communicate peacefully and they will always have arguments. What really saves them from stopping communication at all, is calmness of Julian’s mother and her trying to neglect unkind words which her son s ays. Even though they express different outlooks and despite any bad features she has, she does show concern about her son and she sincerely hopes for his happy future. Julian’s mother is certainly naive in that because there is hardly any future ahead of Julian but she believes in that like a child and she made sacrifices for him: â€Å"The law of [her life] was to sacrifice herself for him after she had first created the necessity to do so by making a mess of things†¦ All of her life had been a struggle to act like a Chestny and to give him everything she thought a Chestny ought to have without the goods a Chestny ought to have†¦Ã¢â‚¬  One of the main points on which Julian and his mother contradict are issues of racism. In Julian’s point of view, black people have a right to do everything just like white people. However, his mother doesn’t share his point of view because she was brought up in a different society and believes they are inferior. This is again the sign of her living in the past when she had a black nurse and whom she loved but considered her much lower than herself. This attitude can be best seen in the episode when Julian and his mother get on the bus. The bus is half-filled and when mother looks around, she sees only white people and becomes happy. She even says to the lady sitting next to her: â€Å"I see we have the bus to ourselves†. Julian couldn’t stand it when his mother said that and again felt shame for her words. She does her best to show her bad attitude towards black people and doesn’t consider them to be her equal. When a black man comes into the bus and another lady changes her seat to get away from him, Julian’s mother approves of that and thinks this is the way it should be done. The attitude of his mother makes Julian get thoughts of punishing her which show to us that he extremely cruel because a son cannot treat his mother like that. Julian thought â€Å"†¦he might make friends with some distinguished Negro professor or lawyer and bring him home to spend the evening† in order to make his mother feel miserable. He points to his mother that a black lady sitting in the bus has the same hat as she does and wants to make a point that black people can do everything just like white people, they are people of the same kind- but his mother doesn’t understand that. However, the worst lesson which she gets is when she wants to give a coin to the little black boy and suffers from that because the boy â€Å"†¦don't take nobody’s pennies! † and this painful moment leads to the end of the novel. In my opinion, it was possible for Julian and his mother to find ways to understand each other if the son at least put some efforts into that. Despite of all his mother’s faults, Julian should have been more patient with her and he realizes that in the end of the novel when he understands he has lost her. He is not a saint himself and since every human has weaknesses, he should have been more loving and kind with his mother because she gave birth to him and sacrificed many things for him. When he understands he remained alone, he realizes the whole horror of his situation- that he is completely lost in the world without his mother but there is nothing what he can change about that anymore, so the extent of his self-deception is fully confirmed.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Using the ToString Method in Visual Basic .NET

Using the ToString Method in Visual Basic .NET The ToString method is one of the fundamental methods in the root of the entire .NET Framework. That makes it available in every other object. But, since its overridden in most objects, the implementation is often very different in different objects. And that makes a number of tricks with ToString possible. Displaying the Bits in a Number If you have a series of bits in, for example, a Char variable, this tip shows you how to display them as 1s and 0s (the binary equivalent). Suppose you have ... Dim MyChar As Char a character selected at random just to get a series of eight bits MyChar $ The easiest way I know of is to use the ToString method of the Convert class. For example: Console.WriteLine(Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt16(MyChar), 2)) This gives you ... 100100 ... in the Output window. There are 36 overridden methods of the ToString method in the Convert class alone. Click Here to display the illustrationClick the Back button on your browser to return In this case, the ToString method does a radix conversion based on the value of the second parameter which can be 2 (binary), 8 (octal), 10 (decimal) or 16 (hexadecimal). Formatting Strings With the ToString Method Heres how to use ToString to format a date: Dim theDate As Date #12/25/2005# TextBox1.Text theDate.ToString(MMMM d, yyyy) And adding culture information is easy! Suppose you want to display the date from a structure in, say, Spain. Just add a CultureInfo object. Dim MyCulture As _   Ã‚  Ã‚  New System.Globalization.CultureInfo(es-ES) CultureDateEcho.Text _   Ã‚  Ã‚  theDate.ToString(MMMM d, yyyy, MyCulture) The result is: diciembre 25, 2005 The culture code is a property of the MyCulture object. The CultureInfo object is an example of a provider. The constant es-ES isnt being passed as a parameter; an instance of the CultureInfo object is. Search the VB.NET Help system for CultureInfo to see the list of supported cultures.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Marcus Garvey Book Review essays

Marcus Garvey Book Review essays The title of the book was Marcus Garvey: Black Nationalist. It was authored by Peggy Caravantes in October, 2003. This book is about Mr. Marcus Mosiah Garvey. What makes Marcus Garvey an interesting subject for a book is his life and the way he impacted others lives for the good. Marcus Mosiah Garvey, born Malchus Mosiah Garvey Jr., was born on August 17, 1887, in St. Anns Bay, Jamaica. He was the youngest of 11 children but grew up an only child because only he and his sister lived into adulthood and she resided in England. Marcus grew up in an integrated neighborhood and didnt pay attention to skin color early in life. At the age of 14 there was an event that changed Marcuss life. His neighbors decided to send their daughter away from home to continue her education. When she was leaving Jamaica, she told him that their friendship was over and she would not write him because he was black. The most important part of Marcus life was his love of reading and writing. Even though his father was a harsh man that didnt spend much time with Marcus, he got his love for books from him. At the age of 17, Marcus worked as an apprentice at a print shop. It was here that he learned the power of the written word. Marcus Garvey was a publisher, journalist, entrep reneur, and international crusader for Black Nationalism. Garvey led the largest organized mass movement of people of African ancestry ever. The Universal Negro Improvement Association was used as a tool to help unite and redeem the black race. He preached on the street corners in Harlem, black is beautiful, and promoted racial pride. Marcus Garvey faced many obstacles while reaching for his goals. He was shot in the leg, imprisoned on trumped up charges, and wasnt dealt with fairly by whites in business transactions. Even with all of this against him, he pressed on to reach his dream of a redeemed bl ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

greetings Essays

greetings Essays greetings Essay greetings Essay Greetings United States of America Both men and women usually smile and shake hands when greeting. The American handshake is usually firm. Good friends and relatives may embrace when they meet, especially after a long absence. In casual situations, people may wave rather than shake hands. Friends also wave to each other at a distance. Americans may greet strangers on the street by saying Hello or Good morning (in Spanish, Hola or Buenos dias), although they may pass without any greeting. Among young people, casual verbal greetings or hand-slapping and fist-bumping gestures are common. Except in formal situations, people who are acquainted generally address one another by given name. Combining a title (Mr. , Ms. , Dr. , for example) with a family name shows respect. When greeting someone for the first time, Americans commonly say Nice to meet you. A simple Hello or Hi is also common. Regional variations exist, such as Howdy (Hi) in some southern regions or Aloha (Hello) in Hawaii. Friends often greet each other with How are you? and respond Fine, thanks. Americans do not usually expect any further answer to the question. American greetings are generally quite informal. This is not intended to show lack of respect, but rather a manifestation of the American belief that everyone is equal. Although it is expected in business situations, some Americans do not shake hands at social events. Instead, they may greet you with a casual Hello or How are you? or even Just HI. In larger groups, many may not greet you at all. In social situations, Americans rarely shake hands upon leaving. The only proper answers to the greetings How do you do? How are you? or How are you doing? re Fine, Great, or Very well, thank you. This is not a request for information about your well-being; it is simply a pleasantry. See you later is Just an expression. People say this even if they never plan to see you again. When saying good-bye, Americans may say Well have to get together or Lets do lunch. This is simply a friendly gesture. Unless your American colleague specifies a time and date, dont expect an invitation. If you wa nt to have lunch, you should take the initiative to schedule it. Stand while being introduced. : Only the elderly, the ill and physically unable persons remain seated while greeting or being introduced. It is good to include some information about a person you are introducing. Example: Susan Olson, Id like you to meet John Harmon. He designed the brochure we are using for this campaign. Use professional titles when you are introducing people to each other. Example: Judge Susan Olson, meet Dr. John Harmon. If you are introducing yourself, do not use your professional title. Handshakes are usually brief. Light handshakes are considered distasteful. Use a firm grip. Eye contact is important when shaking someones hand. There are many different ways people greet one another on the street, in the home, or in business situations throughout America. Understanding the appropriate use of the American greeting will make any situation comfortable as well as make a good impression on those in present company. Informal greetings include words such as Hi and Hey. Although other acknowledgments such as How do you do? or Im it doesnt necessarily mean they want to hear about your health conditions, they are imply using it as a greeting. A common, somewhat formal response is Im fine, thank you. Though less formal responses, if appropriate, can be as casual as Good! or even 0K. Americans will usually say Good-bye or simply Bye when bidding someone farewell at the time of departure. More expressive salutations include Have a nice day, It was nice seeing you, or See you later. Another simple, but greatly appreciated greeting or acknowledgment, which is universally recognized is a smile in combination with direct eye contact. Good riends, family members, or people in a romantic relationship might give each other a hug or even kiss upon meeting one another or when saying good-bye. This kind of greeting is however, reserved for people who know each other very well and share a very close relationship. Americans often shake hands when being introduced to someone. In more informal situations it is common for people not to shake hands unless a long period of time has elapsed and the people feel comfortable with each other and their mutual friendship. However, in formal business situations people ost often greet each other with a handshake every time they meet or say good-bye. As a gesture of friendliness, if a person offers you his hand, you should shake it. It could be considered rude if one didnt. Many times men are the only ones who shake hands in a mixed group. It is customary for a man to shake a womans hand only if she offers her hand first, though this is somewhat of an old-fashioned custom and today offering a hand to a woman is accepted, if not expected. An appropriate handshake should be firm and brief. It will be respected, in almost every social or professional situation when greeting or departing the presence of someone. On the other hand, a soft or weak handshake is viewed negatively by most people throughout the United States and is commonly thought of or indicates that the person might be insecure. Remember that social customs might vary in different parts of the country and also between younger and older generations of people, so it is always a good idea to observe the actions of others, the surrounding situation and whether the situation is formal or informal.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Business Letter Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Business Letter - Assignment Example Business correspondence letters serve as a way of maintaining a cordial real relationship between the business and their customers. With globalization and international trade, business people are able to do business with each other while miles away from each other. Business correspondences letters help maintain a proper professional relationship between the two parties. The customers can write to the business in order to make any enquiries on the products and sources, and the business can in turn respond and offer the necessary information that the customer requires. This further helps in maintaining the business relationship at an international level. Secondly, I believe that business correspondence is a proper way of ensuring evidence for future reference. It is rather irrational to expect a business person to memorize all facts and information that may be exchanged via face to face conversation. When problems arise in the future, the business correspondence may serves as evidence and proof for both parties. Third, in my experience, I believe that business letters are an inexpensive way of communication, especially in international trade where the two parties may be too far apart. Although there are other modes through that the business partners may communicate such as telephone and fax, business information can be provided and obtained through letters. In addition, information on the product and the market itself is crucial for ensuring company survival in a highly competitive market. It would be irrational to expect the company obtain the necessary information required physically, especially in the international trade scenario. The end result will most likely be wastage of time in something likely not to achieve anything productive for the organization (Lindsell-Roberts, 2006). Through the use of business letters, the business man is capable of making enquiries globally on the product.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Classifying Structure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Classifying Structure - Essay Example Professional bureaucratic structure is used by those organizations that depend on highly skilled professional in order to deliver goods and services at the core of the organization. Some examples are hospital, museums, engineering design firms, social services agencies and public accounts firms, universities and libraries (Reilly, Minnick & Baack, 2011). Organizations having divisional structure have set of autonomous units, each typically machine bureaucracy unto itself which is coordinated by a central headquarters. Some examples with divisional structure are General Motor, Microsoft, 3M Company, AT&T, General Electric Company, International Business Machine (IBM), Coca-Cola Company, United Technologies Corporation, and the Walt Disney Company (Reilly, Minnick & Baack, 2011). Adhocracy is suited for those organizations which are having low formalization and standardization and are organic and dynamic in nature. Within these organizations the decision making tends towards decentralization. Companies having adhocracy form of structure are flexible and adaptable. Example of adhocracy is the project for the construction of commercial building (Reilly, Minnick & Baack,

Finance and Management Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Finance and Management - Personal Statement Example Throughout my life I have always been a very hard worker. I am a professional athlete currently working as a UFC fighter. My career requires a lot dedication and self discipline. These attributes can help me in my studies because being a student also requires a lot of sacrifice and self control. Universities such as the City University London are offering its students a learning experience bringing into the classroom the latest technologies to enhance the learning atmosphere. As an aspiring business student I realize that in order to succeed at graduate school I will have to dedicate myself more than ever. I already have an educational background in business. I studied my undergraduate degree at Ezerbaijan State Economic University graduating with a major in finance and credit. My prior exposure to business school will facilitate my transition better than other candidates that studied other fields. During the last of couple of years I have gained valuable experience in the business w orld working as a business development manager for a courier company. Working for this company was one of the factors that inspired me to study graduate school. In this job I learned a lot, but I realized that my skill sets and capabilities in business were not sufficient for me to continue a path towards ascension in the business world. I like being a manager a lot. ... The starting salary of a person with a master’s degree is about 20% higher than people with a bachelor’s degree. It is estimated that a person with a masters degree will earn over ?1.63 million over a lifetime. Continuing my education in business is very important for me. I like the fact that a masters’ degree opens up opportunities and increases your income capacity, but the real reason I want to attend City University London is to expand my business knowledge. I want to apply that knowledge at work in order to improve my performance. I also have aspirations beyond working for the private sector. One of my goals in life is to open up my own business. The business world has changed a lot since the start of the 21st century. Globalization has become more influential and technologies such as broadband internet have expanded the reach of ecommerce. Foreign markets such as the US marketplace have a growing customer base of online customers with ecommerce sales reachi ng ?93 billion in 2010. Due to the changing dynamics of business I have to be able to keep up with changes. The only way that I will be prepared for running my own business in today’s marketplace is by first completing a master’s degree in finance and management. One of my hobbies is reading books. When a person reads a lot they gain endurance at reading. This skill will help me lot in this new stage of my life. Graduate students often have to read hundreds of pages in textbooks, cases, and journals on a weekly basis. For me reading and learning about business is going to be a very gratifying experience. Some of the topics in business that I need to improve to become better at my career are international finance, foreign exchange markets, diplomacy, and negotiations. For me

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Political Science questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Political Science questions - Essay Example These reflected into two that is extreme realism and moderate realism that all provide a different opinion on realism. Extreme realists William of Champeaux related realism as a position in which the universals exist through an independence of the humans and other particular things related in the field. On the contrary, other philosophers viewed this realism as so extreme and considered realism in the eyes of God as the relation through which particular things are created. This moderate theory as proposed by St. Thomas Aquinas and John of Salisbury. In relation to political realism, international relations come to consideration. These relate to general theories of political realities of the world. The aspect of political realism on this international perspective reflects aspects of competiveness within international communities and conflicting aspects that relate to the ultimate security aspects. Idealism and liberalism are part of this realism parameters. Idealism and liberalism deal more with the emphasizing of cooperation’s on an international level. It is therefore fair to conclude the position of the world based on realist as a connection of different states with regard to competition that has raised conflicts through which security has soured.

How can human resources (people) working in the bureaucratic Essay

How can human resources (people) working in the bureaucratic Intelligence Agencies affect the outcome of interagency collaboration efforts - Essay Example olicymakers are all in a mad scramble about addressing the problem of intelligence failure that made the 9/11 terrorist attack by the Al Qaeda successful. Emerging policies concerning the intelligence community demonstrate a preference for a closer interagency collaboration as this was the factor widely blamed for the 9/11 attacks. However, the sixteen agencies and departments that comprises the American intelligence community will undoubtedly find it difficult to make the transition from an existing way of doing agency business to a new and more collaborative way because it require the human resource to withdraw even temporarily from bureaucratic philosophy. Here, agencies must spurn something that they have least respected and cherished. In addition, an agency must be willing to discard its culture if necessary, or, if possible, break it up into components, some of which might warrant being salvaged and recycled. This is the reason why human resource is pivotal in achieving interagency collaboration. This paper will address how human resources working in the bureaucratic Intelligence Agencies affect the outcome of interagency collaboration efforts. Specifically, this paper will discuss why each individual human resources, available to Intelligence Community Agencies, have more a more significant and influential role towards increasing interagency collaboration and integration than the technological advances and high budget resources they work with. Presently, there is an excessive dependence on high-tech intelligence in the United States military establishment, including a tight integration between the technical intelligence and conventional military intelligence and that it could be problematic as demonstrated by the fighting in Iraq. (Posner, p. 70) There are several studies that show why human resource is significant in interagency cooperation in the intelligence community – a role that is even more significant than technological advances and budget

Into the Cold War Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Into the Cold War - Assignment Example In addition, he suggested that the United State show a non-proactive resistance that could even lead to the breakdown of the Soviet Union (Miscamble and George 39). In other places in the United States where had started to spread, the Truman doctrine was adapted. Truman requested for help from Turkey and Greece and promised to contain the spread of communism in Europe via the assistance of any country with the economic and the military help in case their stability received any threats firm the Soviet Union. The Truman doctrine is the ground of the president’s foreign policy. Truman argued that the cold war was a selection between oppression and freedom and that the people of the united states were forced to support the free individuals and leave their own choice and decision to avoid getting involved in the European issues . It is thus clear that the Truman Doctrine was not just a strategy of containment but also an American challenge to the ambitions of the Soviet Union (Miscamble and George

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Establishment of Hong Kong as a British Colony Essay

Establishment of Hong Kong as a British Colony - Essay Example The periodical Hong Kong: Colonial Legacy, Transformation and Challenge takes a step by step approach to justify its conclusion. Ming K Chan shows his capability as an excellent observer of general feelings as well as of future trends. Ming K Chan is not too kind on British as he explains the much-publicized laissez-faire colonialism was far from fair. The influence of British establishments was a selective alliance of the colonial bureaucracy and industrialist entrepreneurship. There was not always the existence of a fair trade because of the favoured particular preferences. Hong Kong Chinese were not just suffering from being under a foreigner’s rule but also by the fact that they were not being treated at par with their colonizers in their own homeland. It should be noted that we do not speak of Hong Kong Chinese’s pain as we do of Colonized India’s pain just because Hong Kong was the sixth largest grossing economy. However, one should always remember that the locals were not being benefited by the growing economy, though at the same time one should also not forget Britain’s contribution to making what Hong Kong is today. The writer then introduces his readers to the China factor and its role. China had helped Hong Kong in its processes of decolonization, localization, and internationalization. The decolonization process rapidly made place nearing the last decade of the lease. The basic constitutional reforms were made in such forms that would prepare the power transfer to come place on 1997.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Into the Cold War Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Into the Cold War - Assignment Example In addition, he suggested that the United State show a non-proactive resistance that could even lead to the breakdown of the Soviet Union (Miscamble and George 39). In other places in the United States where had started to spread, the Truman doctrine was adapted. Truman requested for help from Turkey and Greece and promised to contain the spread of communism in Europe via the assistance of any country with the economic and the military help in case their stability received any threats firm the Soviet Union. The Truman doctrine is the ground of the president’s foreign policy. Truman argued that the cold war was a selection between oppression and freedom and that the people of the united states were forced to support the free individuals and leave their own choice and decision to avoid getting involved in the European issues . It is thus clear that the Truman Doctrine was not just a strategy of containment but also an American challenge to the ambitions of the Soviet Union (Miscamble and George

Business ethics Essay Example for Free

Business ethics Essay It is a form of applied ethics or professional ethics that examines ethical principles and moral or ethical problems that arise in business environment. It applies to all aspect of business and is relevant to the conduct of individuals and entire organization. Ethics is mainly concerned with what is good versus bad, what is right versus wrong. Deontology is an ethical theory that holds that actions are right or wrong independent of their consequences. Utilitarianism is an ethical theory that holds that actions are right if they produce the greatest amount of good for the greatest number of people. Corporate social responsibility is the obligation towards the society assumed by business. The business maximizes its positive effects on society and minimizes and its negative effects. An illustration of of an ethical and social responsibility issue related to the textile manufacturing business. In today’s global business where large multinational corporations like the textile industry face charges of violating human rights in third world countries. Using child labor questions the human rights, ethics and social responsibility of the textile manufacturing industry. An analysis of how the textile manufacturing illustration applies to decision making and operations in an ethical and social responsible business. The economic responsibilities of business would produce products that society wants at a price that perpetuates the textile business. The textile manufacturing business decides on legal responsibilities where the obey local state federal and global laws. The textile manufacturing business makes decision based on their ethical responsibilities of meeting other societal expectation written or not written by law. Ethical obligations are a set of â€Å"ought to† standards that define a moral course of action and draw a line between right and wrong. Although ethical obligations in business share similarities with legal rules and regulations in determining how a business conduct itself while striving to make profit and achieve strategic company goals. Ethical obligations are really more about discretionary decisions value guided behavior. For example respecting the religious sentiments and dignity of people while advertising for a product. Legal obligations every business has a responsibility to operate within the laws of the land. Since these laws are meant for the good of the society, a law abiding enterprise is a socially responsible enterprise as well Scope and objectives The scope of ethics indicates its subject matter. Ethics as normative science deals with moral ideal or the good in order to enquire the nature of our conduct. It enquires into the nature of the springs of action, motives, intentions, and voluntary actions and so on. It determines rightness or wrongness of human action. As a science of morality ethics discusses the contents of moral consciousness and the various problems of moral consciousness. Ethics is concerned with the highest good or absolute good. It investigates the nature of its fundamental notions that is right, duty and good. It includes whatever has reference to free human acts, weather as principle or cause of action or as effect or circumstance of action (merit, punishment etc. ) Ethics discuss the nature of human freedom . ethics investigates what constitutes good or bad, just or unjust. It also enquires into what is virtue, law, conscience and duty? What obligations are common to all? What is good in all good acts? These questions lie within the scope of ethics. Objectives: Some of the most common ethical obligations in business relate to recruiting and hiring staff, maintaining safe and healthy work environment use business resources wisely and avoiding situations that have the potential to create a conflict of interest, such as accepting gifts from suppliers or making a hiring decisions not because the applicant has the best qualifications but because the applicant is a relative of the business owner. It also includes considering how and where suppliers get their products and weather to sell the products that are detrimental to the health of customers such as cigarettes and fatty foods.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Media Access Delay Information Technology Essay

The Media Access Delay Information Technology Essay OPNET Modeller is the network development software. OPNET permits design and learn communication networks, devices, protocols, and application. OPNETs object-oriented modelling stylishness and graphical user interface (GUI) let easy of developing models from the real world network, hardware devices, and protocols. Modeller supports all major network forms and technologies, permitting you to design and test various situations. (Opnet) Introduction I have deliberated various Medium Access Control (MAC) protocols for Wireless local Area (WLAN) Networks. To choose the best one surrounded by the existing protocols, it is necessary to have a network model scenario and some performance metrics on the basis of which they can be assessed. In this paper, various metrics for comparing the performance of MAC protocols and a network model to carry out simulation is discussed. At the end of this chapter, results obtained from the simulation in the form of graphs will be presented. DCF EDCF Metrics Picking the correct metrics or parameters in the evaluation of the QoS (Quality of Service) mechanisms is vital to the result and rationality of the evaluation. The metrics used are Throughput, Access Delay, and End to End Delay in case of real-time multimedia traffic like VoIP, Video streaming (Video conferencing), response time in case of Telnet or Remote Login; type applications which cannot tolerate delay and loss of data. Retransmission Attempts in case a station does not get a chance due to internal collision. The following list below is the item of metrics used: Throughput The Throughput for different priority levels shows how well the QoS schemes can provide service differentiation between the various priorities. The Throughput of all stations shows the utilization of the wireless medium. Wireless bandwidth is a scarce resource, so efficient use of it is vital. Media Access Delay We measure access delay as the time from when the data reaches the MAC layer until it is successfully transmitted out on the wireless medium. The reason for studying average access delay is that many real-time applications have a maximum tolerable delay, after which the data will be useless. Therefore, it is important to provide low delay for real-time flows. Retransmission Attempts Total number of Retransmission Attempts by all Wireless Local Area Network MACs in the network until either packet is successfully transmitted or it is discarded as a result of reaching short or long retry limit. For 802.11e-capable MACs, the Retransmission Attempt counts recorded under this statistic also include retry count increments due to internal collisions. This factor plays important role in Performance of WLAN. Data Dropped Data Dropped due to unavailability of access to medium. This factor largely affects the reliability of WLAN. Simulation Scenario Creating a simulation scenario that is corresponding to real world scenario is the first step of simulation. In this simulation, the wireless topology consisted of several wireless stations and one base station in the wireless LAN. The base station was connected to a wired node (Figure 2.1) which serves as a sink for the flows from the wireless domain. All wireless stations are located such that every station is able to detect a transmission from any other station, and there is no mobility in the system. This means our results will not be impacted by mobility and phenomenon such as the hidden node problem. Figure 2.1 Wi-Fi network models The simulation experiments are carried out using OPNET Simulator version 9.1 on Windows XP SP3. For this simulation, a data rate of 11 Mbps is chosen. Various MAC and PHY (Physical Layer of OSI) parameter values used in our experiment are according to IEEE 802.11e default values given in Table 2.1. We have run the simulation for 5 minutes for each scenario, and then compared the results obtained from them. Figure 2.1 shows a network model for the experiment. Table 2.1: MAC and PHY parameter values used in Experiment ATTRIBUTE VALUE Physical Characteristics Direct Sequence Data Rate (bps) 11 Mbps Transmit Power (W) 0.005 Buffer Size (bits) 256000 BSS Identifier Auto Assigned Channel settings Auto Assigned Roaming Capability Disabled AP Beacon Interval (secs) 0.02 Large Packet Processing Drop Simulation Method To compare the performance of DCF (Distributed Coordination Function) and EDCF (Enhanced Distributed Coordination Function) two scenarios were created; medium access in first scenario was supported by DCF and in second, EDCF protocol was used at the MAC layer. Network environment factors which were used as a benchmark configured same for both scenarios. Detailed specifications are given in the Table 2.1 showing the MAC and PHY parameters used in experiment. The performance evaluation is done by simulating both scenarios one by one in OPNET simulator and then comparing the graphs obtained. Results After choosing metrics, the simulation is done for 5 minutes for a scenario. Then results were gathered. Analysis of EDCF In case of EDCF, all four traffic classes were fed into the MAC layer from higher layer, which are corresponding to AC (0), AC (1), AC (2) and AC (3) respectively to check how efficient the new protocol is to provide service differentiation required for real time application. (Note that DCF does not support service differentiation, so no provision of Access category). For this, in the application profile of scenario (for EDCF protocol) different application was configured for different access category. Details are shown in the Table 4.1. Table 4.1 Access Category corresponding to an application ACCESS CATEGORY APPLICATION CONFIGURED DESIGNATION AC(0) HTTP (LIGHT) BACKGROUND AC(1) REMOTE LOGIN (HEAVY) EXCELLENT EFFORT AC(2) VIDEO CONFERENCING INTERACTIVE MULTIMEDIA AC(3) VOIP INTERACTIVE VOICE In the profile configuration, a profile for clients was configured that uses all the four applications. In simulation scenario, 15 stations were configured to use these services randomly. In the simulation, we assumed that each traffic class has the equal portion of the total data traffic in terms of the average number of packets generated per unit time. The results obtained are as follows: Throughput of Different Access Categories Figure 4.2 Throughputs of Different Access Categories It is observed from figure 4.2 that the Throughput of Access category 3 is way high than the Access category 0 and 1. Throughput for Access category 2 lies in between 3 and 1. It means that Throughput for applications like Voice over IP and Video conferencing, EDCF provides maximum Throughput by providing them more priority over the other services like simple HTTP. Media Access Delay for Different Access Categories Figure 4.3 Wireless LAN Media Access Delay It is observed from figure 4.3 that the Media Access Delay for Access category 3 is at minimum among all Access categories. Media Access Delay for Access category 2 is just 3 to 4 seconds more than AC (3). It means that the medium is assigned to the application according to the priority. Thus, EDCF provides lesser Medium Access Delay for real-time applications. Comparative Analysis of DCF and EDCF Next step is to check the performance of both protocols in terms of Throughput, Media Access Delay, Retransmission Attempts and Data Dropped. These four metrics are determining factors in terms of overall performance of both the protocols. Throughput Figure 4.4 Throughput of DCF vs. EDCF It is observed from figure 4.4 that in the first 30 seconds of simulation, Throughput of both DCF and EDCF is high, but then after that, it decreases with time and stabilizes for both protocols. Throughput in first 30 seconds is high due to less number of Retransmission Attempts (less number of backoffs). From Graph analysis, one fact is clearly visible, that curve of DCF is marginally higher than that of EDCF. We can conclude that DCFs overall Throughput is somewhat more than the EDCF. Retransmission Attempts Figure 4.5 Retransmission Attempts of DCF vs. EDCF It is observed from figure 4.5 that in the first 30 seconds of simulation, Retransmission Attempts for both DCF and EDCF are less, but then after that, it decreases with time and stabilizes for both protocols. Retransmission Attempts in first 30 seconds are less due to less number of backoffs assigned to wireless stations. There is a small noticeable difference between curves of Retransmission Attempts of DCF and EDCF protocol. That small difference implies that the overall Retransmission Attempts made in DCF protocols are a bit lesser than EDCF protocol. Media Access Delay Figure 4.6 Media Access Delay of DCF vs. EDCF In Figure 4.6, for the first minute of simulation the Medium Access Delay for both protocols increases at equal pace, and then after that, DCF suffers somewhat lesser Access Delay than EDCF. The increase in the Medium Access Delay for both protocols is due to increase in the number of nodes competing to gain access of medium. Data Dropped Figure 4.7 amount of Data Dropped of DCF vs. EDCF It is observed from figure 4.7 that the first 30 seconds of simulation, DCF suffers a sudden high Data Drop, but Data Drop in EDCF increases gradually. The reason of varying Data Drop gradually in EDCF is the service differentiation which provides priority based scheme to handle different kind of data. After 2.5 minutes of simulation, curves of Data Dropped of DCF and EDCF remain same for both protocols, EDCF finishes at less Data Dropped than DCF. Conclusions Conclusion The results obtained from simulation shows that Enhanced Distribution Coordination Function provides efficient mechanism for service differentiation and hence provides quality of service to the Wireless LAN. However, this improvement comes at a cost of a decrease in quality of the lower priority traffic up to the point of starvation. The acquisition of the radio channel by the higher priority traffic is much more aggressive than for the lower priority. Higher priority traffic benefited, while lower priority traffic suffered. In terms of overall performance (under the used simulation conditions in this particular study of QoS of Wireless LAN), DCF performs marginally well than EDCF. This happens due to reason that in EDCF mechanism, each AC function acts like a virtual station for medium access, so more collision will be expected for EDCF scenario. But in terms of Quality of Service for real-time applications (like Video conferencing) EDCF outperforms DCF. EDCF has been purposed as the medium access control protocol for IEEEs upcoming standard IEEE 802.11e. Presently, all of the wireless devices use DCF as the default MAC protocol and PCF as the optional functionality.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

New Classics of the Horror Film Genre Essay -- Pleasures of Horror Fil

Dracula. Frankenstein. Godzilla. These monsters no longer strike fear into the hearts of viewers as they once did. Formerly the villains of the classic "monster movie," these relics, who now represent all that is archaic in horror film history. The monster movie of the past makes way for the thriller or slasher movie of the present, while the monster villain gives its role to the deranged, psychotic serial killer. Friday the 13th series, Nightmare on Elm Street, Copycat and Seven have become the new classics in the genre of the horror film. With films like The People Under the Stairs, Nightmare on Elm Street, and New Nightmare, Wes Craven has proven himself to be a master of the creation of modern horror films. With recent masterpiece Scream, Craven shows his audience that he is not restricted by the typical conventions of the horror film. In most of these films, the background is set up before the killer does any actual slashing. However in Scream, Drew Barrymore's character is tormented by the killer from the film's very beginning and both she and her boyfriend are dead less than ten minutes after the opening credits. Craven manages to make Scream a film of less "fluff" and more substance than most thrillers. Recurring themes in the film, such as the lack of teens' seriousness, the callous nature of today's younger generation, the crossover and confusion between reality and movies, and the negative representation of television media not only add to the film's entertainment value, but also often portray a fairly accurate picture of twentieth century America. Despite all the film's blood and gore, Craven creates a comedic tone so successfully that at times the audience wonders whether Scream might be a comedy after all. Even though the safety of their small town has been shattered by a deranged serial killer, the characters do not seem to take the situation very seriously. The main characters are eating lunch at school the day after the first murders and, as might be expected, the killings make up the topic of their conversation. At one point, the character Randy turns to Tatem, and in a convincing imitation of Billy Crystal, he asks her, "Did they really find her liver in the mailbox? Because I heard they found her liver in the mailbox." Tatem and Sidney, the other female present and the movie's main character, cringe at this tasteless remark. Tatem'... ...ssuring that we remain productive m mbers of society (King 500). So, perhaps if you are in need of this type of therapy, or in search of an offbeat study in American popular culture, all that you need is a good horror film. Rent Scream or go to a movie theater to see the sequel. You will probably be surprised by what you see, and you might even be impressed. Works Cited Craven, Wes. Interview. Fresh Air. National Public Radio. KQED, San Francisco. 16 February 1998. King, Stephen. Ã £Why We Crave Horror Movies.? Common Culture. Petracca, Michael and Madeleine Sorapure, eds. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall, 1995. Pinedo, Isabel Cristina. Recreational Terror: Women and the Pleasures of Horror Film Viewing. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1997. Works Consulted Grant, Barry Keith, editor. Planks of Reason: Essays on the Horror Film. London: The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 1984. Newman, Kim. Nightmare Movies. New York: Harmony Books, 1988. Riptov, S.A. Kidnapped Corpus Whasamat Univ. Press, 1984 Scream. Dir. Wes Craven. With David Arquette, Neve Campbell, Courteney Cox, Skeet Ulrich, and Drew Barrymore. Dimension Films, 1997.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Joys of Mediocrity :: Personal Narrative

The Joys of Mediocrity "Why do I look fat?" "Why is the shape of my face not proportional to my body?" "Why do I have so many pimples?" "Why is my nose that big?" You and I have, at some point, grumbled like this -- it could have happened last month, last week, or even just five minutes ago! We never forgave ourselves for those flaws in our physical structure called imperfections. Most of us strive to become the person of what fashion magazines, movies, or pop culture in general proclaim as the "ideal physique of man." The beau ideal meant good looks, prominence of height, well-toned bodies, and the like. Lacking in one or more of these qualities suggests that you aren't qualified to be with the elite who dominate the world because 'the world' considers them elegant and glamorous -- simply, they are 'perfect.' So we do what we can to prove them wrong. It's easy to see because it's everywhere around us. Ladies copy the latest fashion trend, while men attempt to look and act what they think is the 'in' thing. And there's always the beauty products and modern technology to work everything else out. No, nothing wrong with doing these -- every person has the right to do so. The question is "For what real purpose is it about?" Has society been so judgmental, so vainglorious that it casts its eyes down to anyone who doesn't meet their expectations? Do we have to punish ourselves-by not valuing time, money, and self-worth-for something only temporary? Imperfection is normal. No one escapes it-not even the most well-bred. We are only human. Or in a more philosophical sense perhaps we were meant to be created this way, to counterbalance what we have and what we don't have. When you closely look at it, imperfection is not such a big deal. It's what that's in you that truly counts. Does perfection even exist? Most of the greatest people that ever lived were recognized for their remarkable achievements, not for how they look like. And besides, if all in this world were perfect, nothing will be regarded with appreciation anymore. A flaw actually makes an object look more appealing and precious, because you see the finer features beneath.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Religion Universality

Introduction: Universality or Universalism is a life philosophy not a religion. Universality is grounded on science and tries to fill in the missing spiritual blanks. Universality is about connecting with something bigger outside yourself purely on your own terms as opposed to being told what to believe as in a religion. It’s also about leading a good life and doing good to others because you know it’s the right thing to do not because someone is telling you to. There are many people that find a purely scientific view to be too empty. All religions on the other hand, have great spiritual insight but with many unfounded beliefs thrown in. These beliefs are either the product of the primitive thinking of ancient peoples or attempts to simplify or window-dress the message to attract common people. The goal of Universality is not to replace science and religion but to complement them. Universality is completely dependent on good science. Universality is for those who are let down with their religion or spiritually stymied with their religion. It is also for those of a scientific bent that feel something fundamentally missing from their lives. Universalism, in its primary sense, refers to religious, theological, and philosophical concepts with universal application or applicability. Religion in this context is defined as a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs. The path that leads to peace will be, no doubt, long and arduous, but we cannot even begin the journey until we pass through the gate. Above the gate is the required universal affirmation: â€Å"†On the path that leads to peace we are all members of one human family, brothers and sisters one of another†Ã¢â‚¬ .. The need for a universal religion: Religion, is a matter of inner conviction and an outer way of life is a mere consequence of it. People, as long as they are humans ,have a right to differ from one another in their convictions and are bound to have different ways of life. Religion is a means to end the soul searching desire to seek freedom from mundane activities. There are numerous religions in the world that have differences because they are all the outcome of different traditions and backgrounds. Yet , religion has become, somehow the reason for a variety of conflicts, mass killings, huge protests and sometimes even fruitless wars resulting in bloodshed. The importance of the ‘Universal Religion’ system lies in the fact that it is a moral principle that needs no imposing or instruction. People need not sacrifice or renounce their religion†¦ rather follow a basic set of rules in their day-to-day life which will help them run their lives smoothly. This concept needs no preaching.. for, it is based on the HUMAN BEING.. and the inner sense-conscience. The sixth sense-rational mind helps us distinguish the right from wrong. Yet we find many, killing their own conscience for brutal reasons. It is when such activities take place .. the need for a new way of life, a new well-constructed path, arises. DISADVANTAGES OF THE EXISTING SYSTEM: As we all know, the present system of religion has created many a division among people ,though science and technology are rapidly growing. Some of the major disadvantages of the existing system are listed below. ?Religions don’t match upto feelings. ?Beliefs don’t match reality. ?Sometimes, strict adherence to principles can stand in the way of common sense. ?Religions separate. Just as religions are able to bring people together, it can create a huge gap between them too- of different religions. For they all ‘believe', but they still see only the differences, and not the similarities. Sometimes, depending on the formal teachings and practices of some religions, there is a tendency to restrict free and open inquiry on a variety of subjects that include philosophy, politics, culture, medicine and the sciences in general. In place of open inquiry some religions teach that there is material (like the Bible and other writings considered sacred) that covers all that is important, for example, regarding the formation of the universe or the beginnings of humankind. Inquiry into these questions that follows a line contrary to the religion's teaching is considered not only futile but inherently bad. This disadvantage in no way applies to all religions everywhere. The rules for the new system: In order that the above mentioned disadvantages are solved,a new set of rules have been compiled. The speciality lies in the fact that ,this is not a religion yet a life philosophy. Every new religion was started to address the above issues. Yet, the basic aim is to remove the divide termed ‘religion’. The various simple rules to be followed are: ?Treat others as you would like to be treated. ?Help yourself enough so that you may best help others. ?Right thought Right speech ?Right action ?You are the planet’s keeper. ?Tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth ?Keep your agreements. ?Respect one and all. ?Never go against your own conscience. ?Never kill. Conclusion: The above system will ,in all ways prove to be an advantage. We hope that the above mentioned rules will help mankind to lead a life rich in kindness and moral values. Hoping that the above mentioned ru les address the present chaotic religious scenario , we conclude that we are not here to preach,but to patron practice. ***********************

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Promote child and young person Development Essay

Children and young people need an environment which is most likely to promote effective and confident child development where they can experience and environment of mutual respect and trust and open communication. We as practitioners need to reflect on our own practice where we can evaluate the contribution we have made to the support of child development and find ways that we can improve our practice. When reflecting on our practice we need to look at the ways in which we communicate with the children and young people such as varying with different methods of communications through a range of activities referring the stages of their development. We do this in our setting by looking at the plans and linking the activity to the EYFS and looking closely to new vocabulary and proposed learning outcomes that we will focus on whilst doing the activity. Good practice would be to evaluate the activity after the week and then look back at what you did or didn’t do such as explain new shapes and positional language in a physical activity. In our setting we will always ask each other, as colleagues, to see if they would like to input anything and just for a little reassurance that you are doing something the correct way and beneficial for the children. Bad practice would be to not allow the children to be experimental with the activity and for the activity to be purely adult led, this would not allow the children’s development to grow and progress. We will try to avoid situations in which children receive adult attention only in return for undesirable behaviour. Children crave attention whether it is positive or negative. If we give them this they may not feel the need to behave badly. We make sure that bad behaviour is not taken away from the rest of the group and that no one is singled out for their attention. We set these clear behaviour boundaries and rules so that the setting is able to run effectively with all the team members working towards the same aim. The children will also feel more secure and confident if they know what is expected of them, what is or isn’t acceptable. Being positive role models will help the children look up to us for guidance and to also copy the behaviour they witness therefore it is of great importance that we promote good behaviour by being polite, friendly, kind etc. How we treat unacceptable behaviour Physical punishment such as smacking or shaking will be neither used nor threatened within our setting. This is highly inappropriate and of course illegal and it could also be extremely frightening for children. Children will never be sent out of the room on their own as this would be very upsetting for the child and potentially very dangerous as anything could happen to them. They must be accompanied with an adult at all times. Techniques intended to single out and humiliate individuals will not be used. This will also be very upsetting for the child and very humiliating for them, so we at Priory Pre-school have a ‘’thinking chair’’ in place. This is for the children to think about their bad behaviour. Once they have had time to think, we will talk to them and make them understand what they have done was not nice and could have potentially hurt another child. We will always let them express themselves and the teacher will always listen to the child to allow them to explain why they did the bad behaviour. This will allow the teacher to find out more information about the incident. If a serious behavioural incident would occur such as racial or abuse, the behaviour will be made clear immediately by explanations from the children and not by blaming anyone. It is very important to make sure that the behaviour they are doing is not welcome at the pre-school and not the child themselves. It is important to quickly move on from the bad behaviour once dealt with and then concentrate on the child’s good behaviour. Adults will not raise their voices in a threatening manner as this would be frightening to the child. Talking and explaining to a child will be much more beneficial. We make sure that cultural expectations are regarded in the pre-school and to make sure that their wishes are met as it would be inappropriate for us to go against th em. We remember that all of the children at our pre-school are different and will react differently to being told off for their misbehaviour. Re-occurring behaviour problems will be tackled by the whole pre-school and the child’s parents using objective observation records to try to understand the cause of the situation. It is important to record observations to gain a larger picture of why the behaviour is occurring and the records could show numerous reasons and could possibly show a pattern of behaviour. We will  always keep the child’s parents informed about how we are managing it and the progress of the child. It helps to let the parent know as the parent can continue the same practices as what we at the pre-school will use. A multi-agency approach is the best way of ensuring that all of the child or young person’s developmental needs are met. Using multi agencies, such as community centres, institutions and services is very important when working with childre n and young people as it is an effective way of supporting the children, young people and their families and parents and carers with additional needs and helps to secure an improved outcome. For example, in our setting we have an educational psychiatrist who comes in and visits every term to help go through the Individual Education Plan (IEP) for two children to review the current plan and set new targets to improve their learning, these are specifically for children with special educational needs (SENCO). By visiting these agencies and working closely with professionals like this, it can support the early intervention process for children and young people to prevent problems occurring in the first place, or resolve present problems which in term will reduce the amount of referrals being made. By working with agencies, it will allow practitioners to work in an inclusive way by looking closely at the need of every child and young person and making sure they are valued and supported to ensure active participation in all areas of the curriculum. In our local community we use a few local agencies such as Houghton Regis Community Centre and Downside Community Centre who allow parents to visit them for meetings for extra help on how to promote good child development and general care taking for their children.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Class Difference Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Class Difference - Essay Example Social classes in most parts of the world are categorized on the basis of material wealth and political power and influence. People in different social classes are characterized by various defining factors that serve as the key identifying characteristics of that class. The higher a social class occupied by an individual in society, the better their living conditions and life compared to other lower social classes in society. Through the ages, different individuals have used literature to portray the differences that exist in social classes across various cultural and traditional contexts. The use of literature to highlight and discuss class differences in various contexts of society is seen as an elaborate way of creating awareness about these aspects. Literature is a tool that surpasses and permeates across gender, cultural and traditional barriers that are set up by society and it can be used to convey vital messages. Through the various readings in class, there have been illustra tions from books that touch on class differences and their characteristics, influences and impacts on society. This paper seeks to discuss class differences as portrayed and depicted by various authors, the context in which these class differences are used in the books. Garcia Marquez’s short story titled A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings tells of a family’s encounter with a strange-looking man with wings on his back. This man was discovered washed up on the shores of the ocean by Pelayo and Elisenda’s children. This family took the man in and gave him shelter in a chicken coop where he recuperates from his injuries and illness. There are various notions of social class in this short story as portrayed by the positions and opinions taken by different characters in the story. According to the tone and tune of the story, it is apparent that the community is largely composed of peasant fishermen and women. This can be attributed to the observed industrious nature and ability to turn misfortunes into fruitful and productive ventures that serve to alleviate their position and class in society. The characters’ industrious nature that is seen in their efforts to make money is a translation of people’s awareness in the importance of wealth and money in order to change their class status. The Pelayo family saw a money making opportunity with the old man with enormous wings, and they started charging 5 cents to anyone who wanted to see the old man. This saw them amass a large amount of money enough for them to build a mansion with nets, gardens and balconies. The same is seen when a woman who is said to have disobeyed her parents turns into a tarantula spider and goes by the name spider woman. In the case of the spider woman, people who want to hear her story have to toss meatballs at the Spiderwoman (Williams 53). Meatballs were her only forms of nourishment thus she opted to take advantage of people’s curiosity to earn a mean s of survival. Social classes are portrayed to be constructed notions that can be attained as illustrated by the industrious efforts of characters in the abovementioned short story. People recognize the elemental importance of money or wealth in creating favorable conditions for an ideal class. Father Gonzaga can be construed to have held a higher social class that most of the citizens in the mentioned community in the short story. This gives insight into the intricacies involved in the construction of social classes because in this case, father Gonzaga’

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Term project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Term project - Essay Example In our classrooms, the power outlets available are few in number and their location on the room walls are not accessible from the seating positions of most of the 20 to 30 students in the class. To provide students with the possibility of extended use of smartphones or other computing devices in the classroom, we have examined several possible solutions to the problem of providing power outlets at each chair or desk. One convenient and practical solution is to provide external battery packs clipped to each chair / desk in the classroom to which the student can connect his or her smartphone or tablet for recharging. At the end of each day, the external battery packs can be plugged into a recharge cart for overnight charging. A report on the evaluation of this solution in comparison with various alternatives is attached. We request you to kindly grant permission for us to convert 30 chairs/ desks in one classroom with smartphone recharge outlets to test that the proposal is useful. Each external battery pack is estimated to cost under $ 100 and the recharge cart under $ 1,800. The total money to be spent is estimated at around $ 5,000, made up of $ 100 x 30 for the external battery packs, $ 1,800 for the recharge cart and $ 200 for miscellaneous small expenses. After the proposal has been tried out in one classroom, we can evaluate what improvements are needed and then extend to other classrooms. We expect to be able to complete the project for one classroom in 6 to 8 weeks. The smartphone has become one of the most frequently used personal electronic devices for internet access. A majority of high school students carry mobile computing devices to school and would like to use it in the classroom as an aid to their study process. Many educators also see a benefit in permitting the use of smartphones and tablets in the classroom. The major limitation of a smartphone is its limited battery capacity, which requires the

Monday, October 7, 2019

The Importance of Branding in Google and Lego Case Study

The Importance of Branding in Google and Lego - Case Study Example Branding is so important in every industry and computer and communications industries are also not an exception. â€Å"Brands need to find a voice that resonates, that surprises and that entices. This means understanding better your client, which clearly means listening more to your client base† (Social Search: Getting Personal is Getting Evermore Important for Brand Marketers). In the case of search engine business, Google has a voice that resonates, but in the case of social networking, Facebook enjoys that voice. Google is facing stiff competition from many others such as Microsoft, Yahoo, Amazon, Apple, Facebook etc. In order to counter the threats from such huge companies, effective branding strategies are necessary for Google. Even though Google is the number one player in the search engine business, they are not so in social networking industry. Facebook holds the number one spot in social networking. Lego on the other hand is one of the prominent toy makers in the worl d. Even though they were the fifth largest toy maker in the world, they suffered lot of setbacks in the recent past because of the increased competition. â€Å"The Lego Group’s vision was to inspire the children to explore and challenge their own creative potential† (Lego Group: An Outsourcing Journey, p.2). However they failed to do so in a consistent basis and suffered severe setbacks recently. In order to regain its lost brand image, Lego is currently implementing many strategies. â€Å"The framework for LEGO’s branding effort expanded from its initial marketing focus into a company-wide reorganization that involved several change management programs and an ongoing initiative to create and manage global brand coherence†(Schultz & Hatch, p.6). Role of branding in the Business strategies of Google and Lego Branding holds an important place in the business strategies of both Google and LEGO. Globalization has brought immense challenges in the global marke t and it is difficult for even huge companies to survive in the market with the help of traditional brand building strategies. Diversification of business is inevitable at present and better brand image in one market segment may not help a company in other segments. For example, Google failed to become the number one in social networking or ecommerce even though they are so in search engine business. Same way Lego also failed drastically to hold their top spot in toy market because of their inability to diversify in to other areas. â€Å"The name LEGO is a combination of Danish words â€Å"leg† and â€Å"godt,† meaning â€Å"play well†Ã¢â‚¬  (Lego Group: An Outsourcing Journey, p.7). Lego was committed to deliver quality products to its children based clients. They concentrated too much on toy market alone which caused problems to them. Both Google and Lego should concentrate more on product diversification and brand development strategies in each segment. The y should realize that better image in one business segment may not help them in other segments. For each business segments, they need separate brand building strategies. Threats to the brand equities of Google and Lego When started Google plus, Google thought that they can utilize their brand equity in search engine business in social networking also. They failed to realize that both search engine and social networking businesses are entirely different businesses and it is difficult to convince the customers using the brand image alone. At present the